• Interior Design, Decoration and Project Management for new and refurbished Residential and Commercial projects

  • Interior Architectural Construction Documentation including Cabinetry and Millwork Design

  • Project Budget and Scheduling Work prior to Design Development

  • Project Management from Schematics thru Construction

  • Kitchen and Bath Design

  • Finishes, Materials, Lighting, Fixtures and Fittings Selection and Specification

  • Selection, Purchase and Tracking of Furniture and Furnishings

  • Custom Furniture, Furnishings and Lighting Design

  • Art and Accessory Consultation and Staging


Associate Member, American Institute of Architects, A.I.A
Professional Member, Institute of Classical Architecture and Art, ICAA


Member of the Modern Art Council, SFMOMA
Chairperson for Bay Area Treasure 2014 Honoring, Jony Ive, CDO, Apple
Decor Chairperson for many events between 2007-2015


Architects and Landscape Architects:
Butler + Armsden Architect, San Francisco, CA                 
Bennett Christopherson Architect, Oakland, CA  
David Thorne Landscape Architect, Oakland, CA                                            EHDD, San Francisco, CA
Jeff George Landscape Architecture & Design, San Rafael, CA
Hertel Architects, Lafayette, CA
Patrick Houck Landscape Design, San Rafael, CA
Poss Architecture and Planning, Aspen, CO
Suzman + Cole Design Associates, San Francisco, CA
Richard Camp Landscape Architecture, Aspen, CO

General Contractors:
Branagh Inc., Lafayette, CA                                                                                          Richard Frye, Monterey, CA
John Olson Builder, Inc.  Aspen, CO
Nick Ozier Construction, Oakland, CA
Red Horse Construction, San Rafael, CA
Remick and Associates, San Francisco, CA
Zcon Builders, Oakland, CA